A: The American Card Catalog designation for tobacco albums
AL: American League
ALCS: American League Championship Series
AS: All-Star card
ATG: All-Time Greats
ATL: All-Time Leaders
AW: Award Winner
B: The American Card Catalog designation for blankets / rugs
BC: Bonus Card
BF: Bright Futures
BL: Blue Letters
C: The American Card Catalog designation for Canadian issued tobacco cards
CC: Curtain Call
CG: Cornerstones of the Game
CL: Checklist card
CO: Coach
COMM: Commissioner
COOP: Cooperstown
COR: Corrected Card
CP: Changing Places
CT: Cooperstown
CY: Cy Young Award
D: The American Card Catalog designation for bakery / bread cards
DD: Decade of Dominance
DK: Diamond Kings. A popular insert card originally produced by Donruss using the art of legendary artist Dick Perez.
DL: Division Leaders
DP: Double Print
DT: Dream Team
E: The American Card Catalog designation for caramel / candy cards
ERR: Error card
F: The American Card Catalog designation for ice cream & dairy issued cards
FC: Fan Club
FDC: First Donruss Card
FDP: First or First-Round Draft Pick
FF: Future Foundation
FF: Fleer Future
FP: Franchise Player
FR: Franchise
FS: Father/son card
FS: Future Star
FTC: First Topps Card
FY: First Year
G: The American Card Catalog designation for banners / labels
GG: Gold Glove Award
GG: Griffey Gallery (Upper Deck)
GL: Green Letters
GM: Golden Moments
GOTG: Greats of the Game
H: The American Card Catalog designation for advertising / trade cards
HG: Heroes of the Game
HH: Hometown Heroes
HL: Highlight card
HOR: A trading card that has a horizontal orientation as compared to the more common vertical orientation
HRD: Home Run Derby
IA: In Action card. A popular Topps insert card from the 1970s and early 1980s.
IF: Infielder
J: The American Card Catalog designation for soda company issued cards
JBR: Catalog designation for Japanese bromide cards as cataloged in the Japanese card Price Guide by Gary Engel.
JCM: Catalog designation for Japanese menko cards as cataloged in the Japanese card Price Guide by Gary Engel.
JDM: Catalog designation for Japanese die-cut menko cards as cataloged in the Japanese card Price Guide by Gary Engel.
JF: Catalog designation for Japanese gum / candy cards as cataloged in the Japanese card Price Guide by Gary Engel.
JGA: Catalog designation for Japanese game cards as cataloged in the Japanese card Price Guide by Gary Engel.
JK: Catalog designation for Japanese karuta cards as cataloged in the Japanese card Price Guide by Gary Engel.
JRM: Catalog designation for Japanese round menko cards as cataloged in the Japanese card Price Guide by Gary Engel.
L: The American Card Catalog designation for cards made of leather
LL: League Leaders
LUM: Lumberjack
M: The American Card Catalog designation for newspaper / publication issued cards
MB: Master Blasters
MEM: Memorial card
MG: Manager
MI: Maximum Impact
ML: Major League
MLP: Major League Prospects
MM: Memorable Moments or Magic Moments
MOG: Measure of Greatness
N: The American Card Catalog designation for 19th century cards. The original ACC had no letter for 19th century card set but a catalog number without a letter prefix was confusing.
NAU: No autograph on card
NG: Next Game
NH: No-Hitter
NL: National League
NLCS: National League Championship Series
NNOF: No name on front
NOF: Name on Front
NT: Now and Then
OF: Outfield or Outfielder
OJ Cards: Old Judge Cards
OLY: Olympics Card
OPC: O-Pee-Chee
P1: First Printing
P2: Second Printing
P3: Third Printing
P: The American Card Catalog designation for pins / buttons
P: Pitcher or pitching pose
PC: The American Card Catalog designation for postcards
PF: Profiles
PG: Postseason Glory
PP: Power Passion, Power Play
PR: Printed name on back
PRES: President
PROS: Prospects
PS: Pace Setters
PSH: Post Season Highlights
PT: Power tools
PV: Pro Visions
PVC: Polyvinyl chloride. A substance used to make inferior trading card protection products.
Q: The American Card Catalog designation for stereoscope issues
R: The American Card Catalog designation for gum cards beginning in the 1930s
RB: Record Breaker
RT: Round Trippers
ROY: Rookie of the Year
RP: Relief Pitcher
RR: Rated Rookies (Donruss, Panini)
RTC: Rookie True Colors
S: The American Card Catalog designation for silks and stamps
SA: Super Action card
SB: Stolen Bases
SCR: Script name on back
SF: Starflics
SG: Spirit of the Game
SH: Season Highlights
STP: Star Power
T: The American Card Catalog designation for 20th century tobacco cards
TBC: Turn Back The Clock
TC: Team Checklist
TL: Team Leaders
TP: Triple Print. A card printed in 3x the quantity than those of other card in the same set.
TR: Trade reference on card
TR: Prefix associated with the card number on Topps Traded sets
TS: Team Stars
U: The American Card Catalog designation for matchbooks / miscellaneous. U is a catch-all in the ACC.
UER: Uncorrected Error
UH: Prefix associated with the card number on Topps Update and Highlights baseball card sets.
UMP: Umpire
USA: Team USA trading card
UWS: United We Stand
V: The American Card Catalog designation for non-US, non-tobacco issued cards
W: The American Card Catalog designation for strip cards / exhibits
WC: What’s the Call?
WG: The American Card Catalog designation for game cards
WL: White Letters on front
WS: World Series card
WS: World Stage (Upper Deck)
Y: The American Card Catalog designation for awards / merits
YL: Yellow letters
YR: Year of the Record (Upper Deck)
YT: Yellow team name
Z: The American Card Catalog designation for paper dolls